Other memorable costumes (all homemade) that came through our house:
- My sister wanted to be a box of Rice Crispies so we spent all day copying every piece of text from the actual cereal box (nutritional information, ingredients, and all) onto a giant cardboard box.
- My brother went as The Karate Kid and at one point as we were all piling in the car, he got kicked in the head and got a bloody nose. We thought it was the coolest...talk about an authentic costume!
- Or this one...apparently the year we chose to go really PC. You'll see my brother, the Indian, and my younger sisters, the Cowgirl and the Chinagirl (and yes, that is a lampshade on her head). And so of course, I offered to be the Statue of Liberty, leading them all to liberty and light. Good times, good times.
Don't forget to check out all the Robert's Snow features this week (schedule is to the right). Some of the snowflakes this week are *really* beautiful!
Three Muskateers. But my mom bought me, my brother, and our good friend Marc these straw hats that were supposed to resemble the swashbuckling type. We also bought three cans of spray paint. That afternoon, we coated the hats with paint. The paint was barely dry by nightfall. We were very young and didn't care about the ring of paint around our heads or the dizzying fumes.
Thanks for your comment Josephine!
I am trying to rack my brain for a terrible costume I had. Well, it was pretty tough being LadyLovlieLocks from the 80's cartoon show. Really tough without the talking animals in my hair (google it) Of course being 5 I wanted to go as her best friend, which no one recognized anyways.
Love the pic and i really enjoyed your music on your myspace page. Even did a little drawing to it. :)
KJ--I love the Three Muskateers story! What are a few fumes if you *look* cool?
and Julia...I *did* google LadyLovely Locks and now that I see her, I totally remember that show! AND...there is a complete LadyLovelyLocks.org website that includes a user forum for Costumes. So you were not the only one!
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