Singing Songs of the Civil War Era with the 5th graders of Stowe Elementary |
Technically, we still have two days until June, but I've finished up my school programs with Stowe Elementary, we had a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend, the Bowdoin seniors are officially graduated, and it simply
feels like summer. So I'm going to pack up my blog for the next three months and head outside. I'll try to keep in touch over Facebook and the like, but I hope to be offline more than on.
As usual, I have a lofty and possibly unattainable to-do list this summer:
- Finish writing my current novel-in-progress by the end of June.
- Write a rough draft of a new novel I've been outlining.
- Create a bird-friendly garden in the backyard.
- Paint my writing room.
- Track down "wish list songs" for each of my music students.
- Unpack at least some of the boxes that are still in the basement from our move last summer.
- Play music.
- Sing.
- Spend time with my siblings.
- Read.
- Try some adventurous cooking.
- Walk in the woods as often as humanly possible.
Does that list sound like heaven or what? Do you have similar lofty, restorative, fun goals for your summer? I'm sure as always, I'll get off track, frustrated, and bogged down at some point, and that's when I have to remind myself that life does not conform to goal sheets and lists. I suppose that should be my lucky #13: Be Flexible.