Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today I Feel Like An Author

When I was a kid, I felt like an author. I wrote book after book, stapling together pages from old invoice pads or receipt books that my dad would bring home from work. I illustrated my books. I gave them away as gifts. There was no doubt in my mind that I would always be an author. I would have a house filled with books and I would write all day.

And then somewhere along the way, doubts began to creep in. So I went to school for writing...who cares? Lots of people want to be authors...what made me think I could do it? What if I didn't have the chops? The drive? The stamina? Who could write a novel anyway? Even if I could do it, who would want to read it?

But today, as I sit in my house full of books, gearing up to work on a new revision of my novel, I have this picture hanging above my desk. My younger self, grinning at me, whispering "I know you can do it!"

Me, circa 1982ish:


Kelley B said...

wahoo for a novel! how exciting! i've never been able to write a story to save my life. i'll be eager to hear how it's going...

Josephine Cameron said...

Thanks, Kelley! It's middle grade (oh, real shocker, right?) so maybe one of these days you'll get to stock it in Pittsburgh! Wouldn't *that* be cool?

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! You are an amazing writer -- bringing emotion and tears to the surface in moments with this very blog. Enjoy the moment and cheers to many, many more! Blueberry

Josephine Cameron said...

Blue, are you going to make me get all sappy and tell you I love you again? You know I do. :)

Anna Vodicka said...

You make that little desk look so big! Always knew you would do it, Jos, even back then!

Anonymous said...

Josie: That is one of the dearest photos I've ever seen. Did you know that Ella (your niece) is now writing at your desk? (Though somewhere along the line it was partially painted pink...?) We'll have to keep it in the family since the Smithsonian will surely want it someday. How exciting to have your dreams come true! Catie

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! (tear)- alan

Josephine Cameron said...

Thanks, guys.
How cool that Ella writes at that desk now!

Ali said...

That is how I remember you. Then and now. I'm lucky to have you as my little sister.

Josephine Cameron said...

Aw, thanks, Ali. I'm lucky to have *you* as my big sister!