Friday, May 27, 2011

Grab Bag Friday: Songwriting and Fiction Writing for Kids

June 1st is practically here! That means there are only a few days left to register for my Songwriting for Kids and Fiction Writing for Kids summer workshops at Bowdoin College! I'm really looking forward to helping the students channel all their creative ideas into stories and songs.

PLEASE NOTE: There are only 2 spots left for this year's Songwriting for Kids workshop! If you would like to sign up, please do so quickly!

For more information, please visit or you can email me and I will be glad to mail you a hard copy of the brochure.

July 18-22 Songwriting for Kids Vol. 1
Students entering grades K-3
Price: $135; $115 sibling rate
This is the traditional Songwriting for Kids workshop. We will learn American folk songs and use them to discover the basics of songwriting while gaining some insight into the historical context of the songs. We will focus on elements of rhythm, rhyme, melody, and above all, collaboration. Students will learn about creative teamwork and work together to write a class song. Students who have previously taken this workshop are more than welcome as songs and activities vary from year to year.

July 18-22
Fiction Writing for Kids

Grades 3-5
Price: $135; $115 sibling rate
This workshop teaches the basics of fiction writing, including Character, Plot, Revision, and Imaginative Writing. During the workshop, students will study character development, plot structure, and setting in popular children's literature and will write and illustrate their very own book.

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