Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kenneth Koch: Wishes, Lies, and Dreams

I'm teaching Songwriting for Kids Camp this week, and I guess I got caught up in all the excitement, because I completely forgot to do a blog post yesterday!

So here's a little Tuesday bonus for you. One of the books that my students and I have been enjoying greatly is Wishes, Lies, and Dreams: Teaching Children to Write Poetry by Kenneth Koch. Poet John Matthias turned me on to this book, and it is definitely worth checking out.

In it, Koch discusses the methods he uses to teach elementary school children to write poetry. But mostly, the book is filled with student poems that are funny, touching, and often stunning. Here's one of my favorites:
Snowflakes are like shining diamonds
A breeze is like the sky coming to you
The sun is like golden bright earrings
Iris Torres, 4th grade

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