Ok, I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. I just spent an hour writing a lovely review of Suzannah Olivier's Stress Protection Plan: Everyday Ways to Beat Stress and Enjoy Life
, I didn't save the draft periodically as I usually do, and with one lightning-quick mistype, I managed to erase the whole thing! So in the spirit of stress-reduction, I am not going to try to recreate the review. Here is a brief sum-up:
Used copies of the book are available on Amazon for 1 cent (a good deal)It contains helpful tips not only on how to eliminate stress, but more importantly, how to eat foods that will help to energize youEspecially helpful are Ms. Olivier's Weekend Plans...a few lifestyle changes for even one weekend can help you relax and de-stressEat breakfast (with protein)Put 2-3 drops of lemongrass essential oil (available at your natural foods store) in your bath to refresh & energizeEat yogurt5-10 minutes spent cleaning up clutter can have a huge psychological benefitThe book is British, so she does tell you to eat sardines & watercress & a few other odd things that I ignoredVisit Suzannah Olivier's website for more de-stress tipsSuzannah Olivier also wrote The Breast Cancer Prevention and Recovery Diet
and Healthy Food for Happy Kids
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