Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Wrote a Hit Song! Contest Winner: The Storm

It's been a while since I've announced an I Wrote a Hit Song! contest winner. The most recent winner is Sophie, age 6. Sophie wrote a song about a storm that is really quite cool. Check out how she's using the melody and sounds of the guitar to mimic what is happening in the lyrics. Great work, Sophie!

I love to encourage this kind of creativity, and you can help. Please stop by I Wrote a Hit Song! when you have a chance and leave a comment for Sophie to tell her how you liked "The Storm." (And feel free to peruse the other great songs from previous winners!)

If you know a creative person under the age of 12 who might like to submit a song, here are the rules. If you need inspiration or songwriting ideas, you can visit the Activity Room at the Songwriting for Kids website or take one of the SFK Club Monthly Songwriting Challenges. Winners are picked randomly and receive a Songwriting for Kids t-shirt and a free CD!

Always leave 'em singing...

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